PUMC Jan 27 2008 Matthew 4: 12ff Being disciples
I can see so many topics coming from the Gospel lesson this morning..
But I want to use the wide angle lens and think about discipleship because that seems to be the big theme.
Jesus is calling disciples
He is gathering his Followers ...students of the movement
Co workers in his Spirit..learners of his way to live...
but what’s does that mean ?
that could still be a whole series..
But lets touch on three things..
And Lets start with verse 17
Jesus says
that the opening of his ministry..according to Matthew.
The very first words of jesus in minsitry
don’t you love that word
do you ever use it?
don’t try using it on your family
with your spouse or your children
it doesn’t thave a lot of household useage
that’s a word
with a lot of baggage
guilt ,,shame..judgement..repent..
and I don’t use it much
in my sermons..
But we still need to hear waht its trying to say..
So how about
if we translated it
as change
not just any kind of change
but changing direction
and turning to God
because that what it really means
changing direction
to the good
John Maxwell,
writes about leadership
he said that one of the greatest discoveries you can make in your life
is that you can change,
you can grow,
you can learn something new,
you don’t have to always be the same person that you are today
discovering that new idea,
that new thing,
in so many ways..it is the very essence of the spiritual life.
,,being born again..
Spiritual renewal
it all depends on change.
.think about that..
growing is a form of changing
but you know
we still resist it,
We resist what is new;
we still resist change. We have this inertia in us
And yes..
it’s a problem for the church.
People say “Everything in the world is changing
everything else is different
so when I come to church I want stability
I want familiarity
give me that old time religion
I want the same old songs
I want the same place in the pew
I want to do
what I did, when I was growing up in church....
I want it to be like the good old days
.(and I understand the tension and the nostalgia)
and then somebody quotes Hebrews 13: 8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow”
that may be true
but it doesn’t mean
that the church
and the ministries and the styles
have to stay exactly the same
in fact... they cant..
John wesley and the early Methodists figured that out
they were innovators for ministry
and that’s how the church grew.
But then
we settle back in
. We aren’t that good at changing sometimes
You now the old joke (I hope it’s a joke)
about changing light bulbs
have you seen the church versions?
how many Charismatics
does it take
to change a light bulb?
Just one
their hands are already in the air.
Pentecostal :
you need 10 –
One to change the bulb,
and 9 to pray against the spirit of darkness
Or how many Presbyterians does it take?
because the lights will go on and off ...at predestined times.
Unitarians : We choose not to make a statement
either in favor of
or against
the need for a light bulb.
However, if in your own journey you have found that light bulbs work for you,
you are invited to write a poem
or compose a modern dance about your light bulb for the next Sunday service,
in which we will explore a number of light bulb traditions, including incandescent, fluorescent, 3-way, long-life and tinted, all of which are equally valid paths to luminescence
And finally,
how many Methodists does it take to change a light bulb?
And the answer is:
well actually I have two different punch lines for this one
Methodists :
We don’t know –but General Conference is going to study it for the next f years...
In the meantime Whether your light is bright,
dull, or completely out,
you are loved.
You can be a light bulb,
turnip bulb, or a tulip bulb.
Bring a bulb of your choice to the Sunday lighting service
and a hotdish to share
But actually I like this version even more
You’re going to change that light bulb? I’ll have you know my grandfather installed that light bulb.
Well.. Want to Thank you for being open to changes here at park church..
It goes with who we are ..as disciples of Jesus Chrsit...
Again.. go back to the very first words that Jesus uses to begin his minsitry
or as Eugene Peterson says it in his translation
Change your life.
repent ..the word is about
abut a life.. long process..
Its living the faith
You don’t just do it once
change your whole life
stay moving
learning... growing.
That how you follow Jeus..living the repentant life
question is
what repenting..changing
are you and I doing
Now point number two.
Jeus says follow me..and these disciples immediately.
.follwed him
I believe the disciples in the gospel lesson are just amazed ,
I believe,,totally amazed
Jesus would want them
that Jeus would or could ...call somebody like them
and use them
maybe that’s why they seemed to jump at the opportunity
they are hearing something
that they really needed to hear..
and its life changing
I think we need to hear that
in a very personal way as well
God is choosing you
This Gospel story is talking to you..
And that love
the gospel
is at the core
that you are chosen
and that call. Is to you..by name
I know you ve heard this before
But do you still hear it in a powerful way
again and again..
down deep//
I think we have to connect with that truth
spiritually ..vitally
as much as we can
Another book thatIi have not read.
. Is by Calvin Trillin
and its about his late wife ,Alice,
one of the most quoted and highlighted pieces in the book
is about an experience that Alice had
when she was volunteering at a camp for seriously ill children.
one summer
she got especially close to a girl who
had two genetic diseases,
one of those diseases
kept her from growing
and another one
kept her from digesting any food.
She had to be fed through a tube at night
and this little girl also had a hard time walking
so Alice
would sometimes drive her around
in a golf cart
and they both liked doing that..
One day,
when they were playing duck-duck-goose,
the little girl was sitting behind Alice
and she wanted Alice to hold her mail
while she went running aorund the circle
as part of the game
this was going to take a while
And Alice noticed that the there was letter in that mail
from the little girls mother
and Alice was embarrassed to admit that she did this
But she decided to read the note.
She simply had to know
what this child’s parents could have possible done
to make her so spectacular,
to make her the most optimistic,
most enthusiastic,
most hopeful human being that Alice had ever known.
she said
I snuck a quick look at the note,
and my eyes fell on this sentence:
“If God had given us all the children in the world to choose from,...
we would only have chosen you.”
Before the little girl. got back to her place in the circle,
Alice showed the note to another volunteer],
who was sitting next to her
she said to this other perosn
“Quick, read this,”
. “It’s the secret of life.”
and its true
the secret of life is to know that you are so incredibley wanted
and chosen and loved
we need to hear that from the source of life
from God
from Jesus Chrsit
some where
that is what launches us
and empowers us
as disciples
to know
that its you ..
.being called
its you... being
valued.... just as you are..
It’s the secret of discipleship you are chosen..
I hope you hear that every Sunday
I hope you hear it your Bible study
and in your prayers
I hope we say it to each other
..it’s a way of preaching the gospel
I love you
I call you
I want you.
There is no discipleship without it.
third point
discipleship begins where you are.
John Ortbergs latest book
has a chapter called Finding your mission
and he says
Your Mission starts where you are,
not where you think you should be.
I think you can substitute the world “discipleship” for mission in that sentence
or spiritual life ..or faithfulness
your discipleship
also begins where you are and not where you think you should be
he says that very often
we think that our current position
or job we’re in
the situation ...is a barrier ..
that just gets in the way
but he says that’s really where you start
then he passes on a little story that his wife likes to tell
One day a husband came home from work..and the house was just a disaster
the baby was crying
dirty dishes were allover the counter
there was dirty laundry hanging from the door knobs
the tv was blaring
the beds werent made
the carpet wasn’t vacuumed
the furniture hadn’t been dusted
dinner wasn’t getting ready
and he wanted to know what happened
and his wife told him
You know how you always want to know
what I’ve been doing all day..
today I didn’t do it.
Ortbergs point
and my point
this morning is not about who does the housework....
But it is that you are probably already doing something very important in your life
and we cant just take it for granted
because if you didn’t do it..
Then something important would be left out
you might be the only one
who is checking on that neighbor
or helping that other perosn
get through a tough time right now
you might be the one who steers a conversation
or a meeting
to higher ground
and a better vision
Jesus calls you to be a disciple in your life
in your neighborhood
the people
at home
in school
at work
in church
in your life
for you
is going to also happen at Walmart
or working at Target
or the night shift ...at Cub foods
or at the hospital
is how you meet and greet people every day
its about how you do your business
gentleness ..compassion
maybe your call is going to be doing
the same thing
that you do everyday.
.and you might think is just routine
but now doing it
with a different spirit
There’s an old Buddhist story:
A young man goes into a monastery looking for enlightenment.
He wants to know
“Master, what shall I do while I seek enlightenment?”
The Master says “You must chop wood and fetch water.”
Years go by
the young man studies and meditates.
And he chops wood and fetches water...
he realises that he is close to enlightenment
and so he goes back with his question
what shall I do
once I have attained enlightenment?”
The Master says “You must chop wood and fetch water with joy.”
you get the point.
Sometimes its the way.... and the why
we do what we do.
Discipleship can give you a way and a why...to do what you do.
Discipleship is
a life of change in Jesus Christ
a life of being loved and chosen
in Jesus Christ
a life that begins even and especially
In your place..here and now..following Jesus Christ
Monday, January 28, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Spending time Jan 20 2008
Jan 20 2008 John 1: 29-43 Epiphany 2A Park UMC
James Moore, in one of his books, passes on the legend of the touch stone .
According to the legend there is a certain stone on the coast of the Black sea...
and if you can find this touch stone and hold it in your hand
then everything you touch will be turned to gold.
The legend says that you will know when you have the touchstone
because it will feel warm when you hold it in your hand.
Every other stone will just be cold when you pick it up but the touchstone will turn warm
Now again as the legend goes;
there was a man who sold everything he had
and went off to the black sea.........looking for the touchstone
so he walked along the shore everyday picking up the stones
one after another,going along the coast looking for the stone
he did this day after day,...
pick up a stone ......feel it.... and toss it back down again
but then he started to think that
maybe he was picking up the same stones all over again
so he decided to have a plan
more of system..he decided that after he picked up a stone he would toss it into the sea so he wouldn’t pick it up again'
and that’s what he did;week after week.
But then one morning he came out early
looking for the touchstonethe same old way;
pick up a stone... if it was cold... toss it into the sea
pick up a stone throw it into the sea
every stone was cold
So he would toss it into the sea
but one day he picked up a stone
and it turned warm in his hand
...and before he even knew what he was doing
guess what..? He threw it into the sea..
He had it in his hand ...but he threw it into the sea
By now he was so much into the automatic rhythm of the routine
so much habit of repetition...not paying any real attention..
Pick up a stone
throw it into the sea
that when he actually found what he was looking for
..it was too late.
He didn’t see what he had
and he missed the treasure that was in his hand
I tell that story because it might be a parable of what happens to all us
we handle so many things in our lives
we get into these busy routines handling our lives
in a sense ...picking up things all day long
one after another....
jobs and ideas
things and people
here and there
do this
and do that
and we know
that in all of that picking up and moving on
in all of that process
yes..we are looking for something
and along the way
your probably going to pick up something
that warms your heart
something that you really are looking for
something that you really want to notice
and hang on to
but Before we realize what we have done
we have already tossed and lost it..
and moved on..by accident.
Does that make sense?
you know what I mean?
So often we just don’t pay attention to what we have..
Distracted by busyness and speed or endless routine
I think we even do it in the church
and in our spiritual lives
we love to be busy
And keep it moving ..
We live in a hyped up .
High energy..multi-task culture..high sensory , entertainment society
and we want it exciting and want it now..
And I think we do that (as I said)
because we are desperately looking for something
we think that moment is a sign of life .and real power
are you moving or not
You gott a know that ...in the church even,
there is always this pressure ..spoken or not
to be doing something new..exciting..stimulating
What are your doing !
what’s your next goal
what’s your strategic plan
What’s on the calendar
what’s new ?and what’s next ?
We had a visitor a couple weeks ago.. who came to church on Sunday morning
and afterwards I gave her a phone call to say thanks for visiting ..
(Sometimes I get around to doing something like )
and the person told me that she liked the worship service..she was at the 11:15 service
and she was so impressed with all the things that we had going on
she told me that she read every one of the announcements
..(this was back when we had a whole bunch of inserts in the bulletin)
Well now... I was impressed that she read all of that !
because we ve got a lot of announcements
We are a busy placeand I’m impressed with that too..I'm impressed with you!
we are busy
.I love being here because there is some vitality
and ambition and energy to try new things
The PumS /senior group ..and some families..off to see the Velveteen Rabbit..and speakers coming in
the youth group... ...and selling soup for missions..
Last week we had Fred Vanderwerf here..
Missionary in the Ukraine
We’ve got these Bible studies
last Dec we added the Candlelight dinner
Now. coming up next Sat...
the UMW book sale..
.. This is just the second time for that..its still new!
new things
I love it....so clearly this is good,,,don’t get me wrong at all..
and I want to say thank you to everybody who helps with that.
You work hard...
but what if ..... what if...
.in all of that.... we get so busy
that we forget to hold on to the touch stone?
we get so busy moving on and trying all these good things
that we forget what we have ..
in all of this
Or We miss what we are looking for..
We get into this automatic work mode..Sunday after Sunday
Busyness after busyness
Ministry after ministry
Project after project
meeting after meeting
Or I can do sermon after sermon..hospital visit after hospital visit..
but we have to remember
that what we are looking for ....is the touchstone of real truth and value..life
and warmth
what we are looking for .. Is Jesus Christ
what we are looking.. for is the redeeming..healing g..touch of God
that spiritual connection
the grace and the peace..and the deep wholeness of God
I want the treasure of Gods will, God love
....what we are looking for... is the real point of it all.
That why I like one of the very first questions in the gospel lesson this morning
in verse 38 ,,,Jesus says what are you looking for?
But lets back up and remember the lesson so you get the flow of it all
John the Baptist points to Jesus
and says behold the lamb of God.....
in essence h’s saying... look ....there’s the touch stone..
And two of the disciples go to check it out ....is this really it... ?
They are going to pick up the stone .. so to speak
and that’s when Jesus gives them one of the first questions that we all have to ask in the spiritual life
If you’re going to ever get in touch with your spiritual calling in life
you have to hear the question:
What are you looking for..?
What’s the touchstone that you’re looking for?
Jesus says...to all of us.. what are you looking for.?
Nowdid you notice that in the gospel lesson they don’t simply say well
we are looking for you!
Even though John the Baptist has pointed him out
they give Jesus this open ended kind of response....
they come back with another question to Jesus..
They say ..Teacher..rabbi..where are you staying?
It s like they are saying “ we’ll let you know ..after we find it..and get to know you
This is so human.
.so honest....we don’t know it..until we find it...we need to learn..and explore
So . they say to Jesus “where are you staying... ?
Where will you be?
.and Jesus says basically;that ok... Good answer..
come and see.. (Verse 39)
Come and see for yourselves
Jesus invites us ..
to get to know him ..to learn..to search..
Jesus invites us to explore him
Jesus invites our curiosity
come and spend time with me..
study with me.. Go with me...follow me..listen to me..
pay attention .and be with me.
Come and find where I am..and be with me
Come and see for yourself
Maybe Jesus is saying
don’t just take John the Baptists word on this
don’t just go by hearsay and the words of others..
you can know it personally.
.in the context,,the situation ..the experience of your life
come and spend time with me
(in another words
pick up the touch stone and see what happens)
Now an important footnote here;
when Jesus says “come and see”
in Johns gospel
he doesn’t use the word for seeing with the physical eye.
.that would be the word “blepo” in Greek
but he uses a word for spiritual seeing... we would call it insight..
or spiritual seeing
Jesus is saying come and get your personal spiritual insight..
So we know
that this is going to about a spiritual lesson for all of us..
and then in verse 39
...(This Is what I really want us to catch this morning)
if you fell asleep ..wake up now)
Jesus says come and see personally .
get your insight.
and they go to where he is
and they stay with him
they stay with him!
Underline that..
and again the word for "staying"
is not just being there in physical way...in a house or a location...
but it’s the word for abide and remaining
and it’s a special word about deep connection and a living relationship
Is all a kind of theological..spiritual code language
.this is a kind of prayer language and spiritual communion language..almost mystical
Jesus is saying “come and really be with me” abiding
.......come and see ...stay with me
and thats what they do
they go and remain with Jesus
They experience Jesus ..as the Christ
.and not for a little bit of the day
because the clue about 4 o’clock
means that they started
toward the end of one day and stayed through the night
and into the next day....
. Remember that the Jewish day starts and ends with the evening
so what we are getting in all this double meaning and symbolic language
is a picture of going to Jesus ..in a complete...almost timeless .way.
And personally being there..all your day
Staying remaining...being with each other, all day..
In other word they were really present
and they didn’t rush around
Now days we would say ...they got spiritually centered..
This is the opposite of what we usually do in life
routinely picking up the stones
and tossing them away
it was actually holding the touch stone
Feeling the warmth
being aware
and knowing that this is it..
Having the treasure
Are you with me..?
I'm going to come back to this point later
And then after that spiritual centering
after the seeing and the staying and the listening and the being
and the praying
after the deep connecting
After theyg et their heart warmed with the touchstone... (the Wesleyan warm heart!)
Thats where the outreach comes from
that where the witness comes from
and the action and ministry come from
so that Andrew goes to Peter and says ; We found the Messiah
we have the touchstone ..come and see it for yourself..we don't keep it in some privatized feel good way...
The real attraction and ministry of Park church ... or any church
can only come from that integrity of spending time with Jesus
We share what we have seen
it all comes form Staying with Jesus....
.holding on to the touchstone...at least
long enough to know that you have it. and you want to share it.
....centering on the love...
So I have, really ...
a very simple and practical point this morning.
An invitation
from the Gospel lesson:
slow down...pay attention to the routines and the business of your life
because the touchstone
the treasure.
may very well be in your hand right now.
So what in your hand!
Jesus might be in something that you are routinely.. ..hurriedly.. Overlooking
Don’t rush though your life
don’t rush through your church life
don’t rush though the worship service
don’t rush though your daily devotions
don’t just mindlessly..or dutifully do the volunteer work
Pay attention to what your doing
because we are told to ask personally
every day
and all day long
the same spiritual question that the disciples ask
where are you staying Teacher?
...where are you .. Lord.?
is this my Christ moment with you as my rabbi..my teacher.
is this time..the teachable time with you..right now?
..and Jesus says
come and see
open your eyes of faith..awareness!
..look ..pay attention. ...follow me..and Ill show you
and then you and I are also left in the position
of paying attention
where are you staying Jesus in my life
and in your life..and in this congregation
where will you meet me..and teach me..
are you here in this certain....place of my life ?
are you staying here..?
Should I slow down and be present
.where do I need to be ..to be with you
and you know what?
...its going to be a little bit different for each of us..
It gets personal..
I hope you can come here to worship
and discover that you are spending time with
Jesus in the word
in the songs
in the prayers or the fellowship.. and so on
The Teacher ..Jesus is here.
or maybe in your life
Spending time with Jesus
might mean
that you have to go an be present with him at the hospital
or the nursing home
or at the school
or at work
at home
or with the neighbor next door
because thats where Jesus is going to be
for you. .and h’s going to teach you there.
.and you need to spiritually ...be there too,
maybe you’re going to find
for you
that for Jesus is staying with the Sunday school class
or the Bible study
..youth group..or soup kitchen
and that’s where you have to be with him too..
Start the day with the question: “Jesus .. where are you staying in my life today ?
in my words today
in my thoughts today..?
Maybe Jesus is saying that today
Im going to be very present and real in the scriptures for you
and you need to come and read and pray
maybe Jesus wants to stay with you
in a quite time of reading
or walking or reflection
confession and soul searching
maybe thats where you need to be..
.to stay with Jesus today
and to find what you are really looking for
Duane Thompson at Christ... UMC in Bethel PA _(from a sermon on thier website)
writes about something that an old preacher told him
this older pastor said
“I could write volumes about how to find what you’re looking for,
But I’ll save myself a bunch of writing,
and I’ll save you a bunch of reading
by just telling you this:
Just set aside a few minutes a day,
ten minutes maybe,
or five, or even two minutes,
two minutes a day,
and think about God,
think about Jesus Christ
and what he has done for you,
and confess your sins,
some days
you may need more than two minutes,
but confess your sins,
and pray for those who are in need,
and pray for those who have done you wrong,
pray for those who have done you wrong
and ask for strength for the day,
don’t worry about yesterday,
or tomorrow,
ask for strength,
ask for what you need,
for the day.
And if you do this,
if you do this consistently,
day after day,
before long,
you will begin to find what you’re looking for.
Doesn’t that sound like spending time with Jesus?
paying attention to the touchstone in the hands of your life
don’t accidentally ...
toss your spiritual life.. away ...
find out how and where Jesus is staying in your life
and then go .
.faithfully...mindfully..soulfully.. ...heartily, openly..be there..with him..
Thats probably what your looking for.
James Moore, in one of his books, passes on the legend of the touch stone .
According to the legend there is a certain stone on the coast of the Black sea...
and if you can find this touch stone and hold it in your hand
then everything you touch will be turned to gold.
The legend says that you will know when you have the touchstone
because it will feel warm when you hold it in your hand.
Every other stone will just be cold when you pick it up but the touchstone will turn warm
Now again as the legend goes;
there was a man who sold everything he had
and went off to the black sea.........looking for the touchstone
so he walked along the shore everyday picking up the stones
one after another,going along the coast looking for the stone
he did this day after day,...
pick up a stone ......feel it.... and toss it back down again
but then he started to think that
maybe he was picking up the same stones all over again
so he decided to have a plan
more of system..he decided that after he picked up a stone he would toss it into the sea so he wouldn’t pick it up again'
and that’s what he did;week after week.
But then one morning he came out early
looking for the touchstonethe same old way;
pick up a stone... if it was cold... toss it into the sea
pick up a stone throw it into the sea
every stone was cold
So he would toss it into the sea
but one day he picked up a stone
and it turned warm in his hand
...and before he even knew what he was doing
guess what..? He threw it into the sea..
He had it in his hand ...but he threw it into the sea
By now he was so much into the automatic rhythm of the routine
so much habit of repetition...not paying any real attention..
Pick up a stone
throw it into the sea
that when he actually found what he was looking for
..it was too late.
He didn’t see what he had
and he missed the treasure that was in his hand
I tell that story because it might be a parable of what happens to all us
we handle so many things in our lives
we get into these busy routines handling our lives
in a sense ...picking up things all day long
one after another....
jobs and ideas
things and people
here and there
do this
and do that
and we know
that in all of that picking up and moving on
in all of that process
yes..we are looking for something
and along the way
your probably going to pick up something
that warms your heart
something that you really are looking for
something that you really want to notice
and hang on to
but Before we realize what we have done
we have already tossed and lost it..
and moved on..by accident.
Does that make sense?
you know what I mean?
So often we just don’t pay attention to what we have..
Distracted by busyness and speed or endless routine
I think we even do it in the church
and in our spiritual lives
we love to be busy
And keep it moving ..
We live in a hyped up .
High energy..multi-task culture..high sensory , entertainment society
and we want it exciting and want it now..
And I think we do that (as I said)
because we are desperately looking for something
we think that moment is a sign of life .and real power
are you moving or not
You gott a know that ...in the church even,
there is always this pressure ..spoken or not
to be doing something new..exciting..stimulating
What are your doing !
what’s your next goal
what’s your strategic plan
What’s on the calendar
what’s new ?and what’s next ?
We had a visitor a couple weeks ago.. who came to church on Sunday morning
and afterwards I gave her a phone call to say thanks for visiting ..
(Sometimes I get around to doing something like )
and the person told me that she liked the worship service..she was at the 11:15 service
and she was so impressed with all the things that we had going on
she told me that she read every one of the announcements
..(this was back when we had a whole bunch of inserts in the bulletin)
Well now... I was impressed that she read all of that !
because we ve got a lot of announcements
We are a busy placeand I’m impressed with that too..I'm impressed with you!
we are busy
.I love being here because there is some vitality
and ambition and energy to try new things
The PumS /senior group ..and some families..off to see the Velveteen Rabbit..and speakers coming in
the youth group... ...and selling soup for missions..
Last week we had Fred Vanderwerf here..
Missionary in the Ukraine
We’ve got these Bible studies
last Dec we added the Candlelight dinner
Now. coming up next Sat...
the UMW book sale..
.. This is just the second time for that..its still new!
new things
I love it....so clearly this is good,,,don’t get me wrong at all..
and I want to say thank you to everybody who helps with that.
You work hard...
but what if ..... what if...
.in all of that.... we get so busy
that we forget to hold on to the touch stone?
we get so busy moving on and trying all these good things
that we forget what we have ..
in all of this
Or We miss what we are looking for..
We get into this automatic work mode..Sunday after Sunday
Busyness after busyness
Ministry after ministry
Project after project
meeting after meeting
Or I can do sermon after sermon..hospital visit after hospital visit..
but we have to remember
that what we are looking for ....is the touchstone of real truth and value..life
and warmth
what we are looking for .. Is Jesus Christ
what we are looking.. for is the redeeming..healing g..touch of God
that spiritual connection
the grace and the peace..and the deep wholeness of God
I want the treasure of Gods will, God love
....what we are looking for... is the real point of it all.
That why I like one of the very first questions in the gospel lesson this morning
in verse 38 ,,,Jesus says what are you looking for?
But lets back up and remember the lesson so you get the flow of it all
John the Baptist points to Jesus
and says behold the lamb of God.....
in essence h’s saying... look ....there’s the touch stone..
And two of the disciples go to check it out ....is this really it... ?
They are going to pick up the stone .. so to speak
and that’s when Jesus gives them one of the first questions that we all have to ask in the spiritual life
If you’re going to ever get in touch with your spiritual calling in life
you have to hear the question:
What are you looking for..?
What’s the touchstone that you’re looking for?
Jesus says...to all of us.. what are you looking for.?
Nowdid you notice that in the gospel lesson they don’t simply say well
we are looking for you!
Even though John the Baptist has pointed him out
they give Jesus this open ended kind of response....
they come back with another question to Jesus..
They say ..Teacher..rabbi..where are you staying?
It s like they are saying “ we’ll let you know ..after we find it..and get to know you
This is so human.
.so honest....we don’t know it..until we find it...we need to learn..and explore
So . they say to Jesus “where are you staying... ?
Where will you be?
.and Jesus says basically;that ok... Good answer..
come and see.. (Verse 39)
Come and see for yourselves
Jesus invites us ..
to get to know him ..to learn..to search..
Jesus invites us to explore him
Jesus invites our curiosity
come and spend time with me..
study with me.. Go with me...follow me..listen to me..
pay attention .and be with me.
Come and find where I am..and be with me
Come and see for yourself
Maybe Jesus is saying
don’t just take John the Baptists word on this
don’t just go by hearsay and the words of others..
you can know it personally.
.in the context,,the situation ..the experience of your life
come and spend time with me
(in another words
pick up the touch stone and see what happens)
Now an important footnote here;
when Jesus says “come and see”
in Johns gospel
he doesn’t use the word for seeing with the physical eye.
.that would be the word “blepo” in Greek
but he uses a word for spiritual seeing... we would call it insight..
or spiritual seeing
Jesus is saying come and get your personal spiritual insight..
So we know
that this is going to about a spiritual lesson for all of us..
and then in verse 39
...(This Is what I really want us to catch this morning)
if you fell asleep ..wake up now)
Jesus says come and see personally .
get your insight.
and they go to where he is
and they stay with him
they stay with him!
Underline that..
and again the word for "staying"
is not just being there in physical way...in a house or a location...
but it’s the word for abide and remaining
and it’s a special word about deep connection and a living relationship
Is all a kind of theological..spiritual code language
.this is a kind of prayer language and spiritual communion language..almost mystical
Jesus is saying “come and really be with me” abiding
.......come and see ...stay with me
and thats what they do
they go and remain with Jesus
They experience Jesus ..as the Christ
.and not for a little bit of the day
because the clue about 4 o’clock
means that they started
toward the end of one day and stayed through the night
and into the next day....
. Remember that the Jewish day starts and ends with the evening
so what we are getting in all this double meaning and symbolic language
is a picture of going to Jesus ..in a complete...almost timeless .way.
And personally being there..all your day
Staying remaining...being with each other, all day..
In other word they were really present
and they didn’t rush around
Now days we would say ...they got spiritually centered..
This is the opposite of what we usually do in life
routinely picking up the stones
and tossing them away
it was actually holding the touch stone
Feeling the warmth
being aware
and knowing that this is it..
Having the treasure
Are you with me..?
I'm going to come back to this point later
And then after that spiritual centering
after the seeing and the staying and the listening and the being
and the praying
after the deep connecting
After theyg et their heart warmed with the touchstone... (the Wesleyan warm heart!)
Thats where the outreach comes from
that where the witness comes from
and the action and ministry come from
so that Andrew goes to Peter and says ; We found the Messiah
we have the touchstone ..come and see it for yourself..we don't keep it in some privatized feel good way...
The real attraction and ministry of Park church ... or any church
can only come from that integrity of spending time with Jesus
We share what we have seen
it all comes form Staying with Jesus....
.holding on to the touchstone...at least
long enough to know that you have it. and you want to share it.
....centering on the love...
So I have, really ...
a very simple and practical point this morning.
An invitation
from the Gospel lesson:
slow down...pay attention to the routines and the business of your life
because the touchstone
the treasure.
may very well be in your hand right now.
So what in your hand!
Jesus might be in something that you are routinely.. ..hurriedly.. Overlooking
Don’t rush though your life
don’t rush through your church life
don’t rush though the worship service
don’t rush though your daily devotions
don’t just mindlessly..or dutifully do the volunteer work
Pay attention to what your doing
because we are told to ask personally
every day
and all day long
the same spiritual question that the disciples ask
where are you staying Teacher?
...where are you .. Lord.?
is this my Christ moment with you as my rabbi..my teacher.
is this time..the teachable time with you..right now?
..and Jesus says
come and see
open your eyes of faith..awareness!
..look ..pay attention. ...follow me..and Ill show you
and then you and I are also left in the position
of paying attention
where are you staying Jesus in my life
and in your life..and in this congregation
where will you meet me..and teach me..
are you here in this certain....place of my life ?
are you staying here..?
Should I slow down and be present
.where do I need to be ..to be with you
and you know what?
...its going to be a little bit different for each of us..
It gets personal..
I hope you can come here to worship
and discover that you are spending time with
Jesus in the word
in the songs
in the prayers or the fellowship.. and so on
The Teacher ..Jesus is here.
or maybe in your life
Spending time with Jesus
might mean
that you have to go an be present with him at the hospital
or the nursing home
or at the school
or at work
at home
or with the neighbor next door
because thats where Jesus is going to be
for you. .and h’s going to teach you there.
.and you need to spiritually ...be there too,
maybe you’re going to find
for you
that for Jesus is staying with the Sunday school class
or the Bible study
..youth group..or soup kitchen
and that’s where you have to be with him too..
Start the day with the question: “Jesus .. where are you staying in my life today ?
in my words today
in my thoughts today..?
Maybe Jesus is saying that today
Im going to be very present and real in the scriptures for you
and you need to come and read and pray
maybe Jesus wants to stay with you
in a quite time of reading
or walking or reflection
confession and soul searching
maybe thats where you need to be..
.to stay with Jesus today
and to find what you are really looking for
Duane Thompson at Christ... UMC in Bethel PA _(from a sermon on thier website)
writes about something that an old preacher told him
this older pastor said
“I could write volumes about how to find what you’re looking for,
But I’ll save myself a bunch of writing,
and I’ll save you a bunch of reading
by just telling you this:
Just set aside a few minutes a day,
ten minutes maybe,
or five, or even two minutes,
two minutes a day,
and think about God,
think about Jesus Christ
and what he has done for you,
and confess your sins,
some days
you may need more than two minutes,
but confess your sins,
and pray for those who are in need,
and pray for those who have done you wrong,
pray for those who have done you wrong
and ask for strength for the day,
don’t worry about yesterday,
or tomorrow,
ask for strength,
ask for what you need,
for the day.
And if you do this,
if you do this consistently,
day after day,
before long,
you will begin to find what you’re looking for.
Doesn’t that sound like spending time with Jesus?
paying attention to the touchstone in the hands of your life
don’t accidentally ...
toss your spiritual life.. away ...
find out how and where Jesus is staying in your life
and then go .
.faithfully...mindfully..soulfully.. ...heartily, openly..be there..with him..
Thats probably what your looking for.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Remember your Baptism
Remember your Baptism Jan 13 2008 Park U.MC. Rory Swenson
There is nothing fancy about the sermon title this morning..
pretty straightforward ...remember your baptism
How do you do that?
.....does it mean you have to remember some church ceremony ;
that maybe happened ... or maybe it didn’t happen..
when your were just a little baby.. ?
I ve got my baptism certificate with me this morning.
I keep it in my office
I suppose I can see it just about every day.
Does that mean I am remembering my baptism?
I was four months old when I was baptized
in the Immanuel Lutheran church ...up in Marshal county..
I don’t remember anything at all about that
How can I remember my baptism?
Martin Luther was the one I suppose who gave us the phrase
He used to splash some water on his face and say
I am baptized
remember your baptism
and my Lutheran friends
say that we are supposed do that ;
when you wash up in the morning
remember your baptism
it kind of like the morning devotions
Like getting spiritually cleaned up
and ready for the day
remember your baptism
its like an affirmation of faith
remember the faith
remember the gospel
remember who your are
but still
what does it mean to remember your baptism.
.if its not about remembering some event or ritual or a certificate
what do you need to remember?
well to make it short and sweet
its all about remembering the story of Jesus ..remembering the life of Jesus
and you can probably take it from there
still let me push your thinking just a little bit more
by giving you Megen McKenna’s parable of baptism*
Once upon a time
an old man was wandering around towns and villages
and one day
in one of those towns
he scratched a map in the plaza stones
and he said to the people in that town
I have found the waters of life.
If you follow this map..this is where it is.
Most of the people just ignored it
but still
some people copied down the map
and went off to find the water
the first one there was a soldier
just home from the war.
He was scarred by what he had seen and done
and he only wanted to be forgiven
and to wash away the memories of the battle
he just needed to moved beyond that experience
he found the waters ..that was easy enough
but he surprised to see
that the water
was down in a cave
down there in a tunnel
and the opening to that cave was so small ....
to get there
you had to get on your hands and knees
never the less
with hardly any thought at all
the soldier took off his armor and his weapons
Piled it all up ...with his sword and his shield,
and crawled into the cave
He drank the water
he washed his hands and his face
and when he came out of the cave,
he knew what he needed to do..
He buried his armor and his weapons
and with only his tunic...
He walked away
with a knew desire to undo the harm that had done
he was free
to make amends... he walked in peace
Not long after that
the next person came to the water
she was a person of education and sophistication
she had studied languages
and science and all kinds of spirituality
But now she was intrigued by this waters of life
and stashed there in the long robes and pockets and sleeves of her dress and her cape...
she had the spiritual treasures that she carried with her verse and candles, oil and herbs.
And she too was shocked by the fact that she would
Have to get down on her hands and knees
and actually crawl through the mud
to get to this mysterious water.....
but that is what she wanted.
She carefully took off the fine long dress and the flowing cape..
Hid them in the bushes
and then she too entered the cave
drank the water and washed ...
And when she too left that cave
she knew what she needed to do
as she gathered her fine clothes
she cut off the long sleeves
and the cape and the train and the hood
because it could become clothes for those who had almost nothing to wear.
This spiritual and educated woman
realized that her knowledge and her sense of truth
amounted to nothing..
.if it didn’t also make life better for others.
Spiritual wisdom that didn’t make conditions better for others ..was no good at all
Later on
,that same day
more visitor came to the well.
.a rich man and his wife
They came ..prepared to pay whatever they need to pay
to get these waters of life
and so they came
with their pockets and bags full of coins and jewels
But then
they too
saw that to reach the waters
they would have to leave everything outside.
And so they folded up their clothes and Tried to hide the money and the jewels as best they could.
they too
crawled down into the cave and reached the waters
and they too washed themselves in the water
and they drank this water of life..
they too
crawled back up into the open air
and into the light
but in the light of day
as they felt fresh and new
they realized that their wealth was meant to be shared
at first
they dropped a coin here or there
or donated a jewel or two
but soon they realized that this needed to be done in wiser way ..
and deeper way so they dedicated their whole lives in generosity..to the poor. and the needy
late in the day a bishop came to the waters
he was wearing all the symbols of his the symbols of his ordination and his office
his miter
his cape
his gloves ..all his religious finery
but he too left them outside the cave
as he crawled inside to drink and wash in this water of life
and as he came back to put on his symbols of power and status
he realized that everything it stood for
the authority...
the ritual
had also been used to keep people at a distance or under control
But now he knew
deeply it was meant to protect people
and welcome people
and set them free for worship in the joy of Gods love
And so he tossed it all aside And he went out to meet the people.
well many more, in the days ahead
came to the cave
they left things outside
went in to drink and wash
just to be in the water....
.they would come back into the sunlight
Put their clothes back on
pick up the things
they had left outside
They would think about what they had just done
but they went back to their lives with no change.
Not much change at all.
Even though they thought about what they should do
or could do
and how life would be different
even though they had some new idea ..some hope.
A calling
of how to be truthful and faithful
it wasn’t strong enough to move them
or push them to try
it didn’t convert them
or transform them
So they told themselves
I drank the water of life
and I washed in the water
that was enough
that enough
I’ve been to the water
I have the water.
But they didn’t realize that they were still themselves
just as before
You could say I suppose that they were still dry
They had not received the real gift of the water.
They went back to their lives still
bound ...still
By fear and insecurity and selfishness
the parable says
they didn’t realize the freedom of being children of God
they did not trust and know the power of bending and worshiping God
they didn’t know what it meant
to be marked with the sign of the cross
they didn’t share the power of love and ..
And th e sacred power of Giving themselves for others
still today..
people hear about the water
they come to the water
they bring their children and grandchildren to the water of life
but they do not live in the freedom of the new life...
they simply didn’t remember
I think you can hear the parable
How about us? Personally, and as the church
Have we been to the water?
will you let the let the water truly be
the waters of life splashing over you
every day
new life
ever flowing
essential abundant life
In the gospel lesson this morning
John the Baptist stood at the Jordan river long ago
and said repent
. Be changed ...
. turn your life to God..
this is a baptism of repentance
and in Jesus Christ
we too are called to repent
it is also the water of freedom and love
It the water of being graced.
.it’s letting Jesus Christ live in us,,
and it’s that grace
that love
that gives us
the power to change. And repent
It is the water of a new life..
Will you remember that?
a new creation..not the same old thing...
it is the living flow of discipleship and rebirth
in Jesus Christ..
That’s how to Remember your baptism!
Every day we let the old self
the selfish self
the sinner in us..
We let that die
and be washed away
the stinking thinking
the old attitudes
the prejudices and the pride
the greed and the grudges
old habits
old ways
old control need
the perfectionism
the judgementalism
the meanness
just plain old sin..
In whatever forms it happens in your life
..it also goes to the cross
it dies...
With the one who dies for your sins
that what it means to remember your baptism
and then be raised with Christ
To know the power of his resurrection
It’s new thinking,
new behavior..new vision ,,new spirit grows in your life
remember your baptism
every day the wash of forgiveness is there
the hope is there
the power to break free and start over
its really there
remember it..
the grace is there every day
Jesus is in your life..saving..and redeeming..calling and teaching
remember your baptism
remembering the gospel
remembering Jesus and his love
it can change your life
Because in the name of Jesus Christ
that is who you are/
and we are here
to help each other ..just to remember.
We’re going to renew the baptism covenant as part of the service this morning..
But I want to also make an open invitation
if you have not been baptized
and you would like to be baptized..give me a call this week..we can talk some more
or if you want to
I’m going to invite you to come forward
when we renew the covenant..
. if you would like to have this sacramental watermark on your life ..
Come forward at this time
And you can be baptized..
you got to know that we do not do re-baptism in the United Methodist Church
You just don’t need it. God’s promises stay forever
but we can celebrate it and renew it ..and we can remember it..
And we can be thankful
so how is your memory ?
In the tradition and sacrament of baptism, We are being given a very good memory
turn to page 50 in the hymnal
**In Megan McKenna .p 53 of Matthew, The Book of Mercy
There is nothing fancy about the sermon title this morning..
pretty straightforward ...remember your baptism
How do you do that?
.....does it mean you have to remember some church ceremony ;
that maybe happened ... or maybe it didn’t happen..
when your were just a little baby.. ?
I ve got my baptism certificate with me this morning.
I keep it in my office
I suppose I can see it just about every day.
Does that mean I am remembering my baptism?
I was four months old when I was baptized
in the Immanuel Lutheran church ...up in Marshal county..
I don’t remember anything at all about that
How can I remember my baptism?
Martin Luther was the one I suppose who gave us the phrase
He used to splash some water on his face and say
I am baptized
remember your baptism
and my Lutheran friends
say that we are supposed do that ;
when you wash up in the morning
remember your baptism
it kind of like the morning devotions
Like getting spiritually cleaned up
and ready for the day
remember your baptism
its like an affirmation of faith
remember the faith
remember the gospel
remember who your are
but still
what does it mean to remember your baptism.
.if its not about remembering some event or ritual or a certificate
what do you need to remember?
well to make it short and sweet
its all about remembering the story of Jesus ..remembering the life of Jesus
and you can probably take it from there
still let me push your thinking just a little bit more
by giving you Megen McKenna’s parable of baptism*
Once upon a time
an old man was wandering around towns and villages
and one day
in one of those towns
he scratched a map in the plaza stones
and he said to the people in that town
I have found the waters of life.
If you follow this map..this is where it is.
Most of the people just ignored it
but still
some people copied down the map
and went off to find the water
the first one there was a soldier
just home from the war.
He was scarred by what he had seen and done
and he only wanted to be forgiven
and to wash away the memories of the battle
he just needed to moved beyond that experience
he found the waters ..that was easy enough
but he surprised to see
that the water
was down in a cave
down there in a tunnel
and the opening to that cave was so small ....
to get there
you had to get on your hands and knees
never the less
with hardly any thought at all
the soldier took off his armor and his weapons
Piled it all up ...with his sword and his shield,
and crawled into the cave
He drank the water
he washed his hands and his face
and when he came out of the cave,
he knew what he needed to do..
He buried his armor and his weapons
and with only his tunic...
He walked away
with a knew desire to undo the harm that had done
he was free
to make amends... he walked in peace
Not long after that
the next person came to the water
she was a person of education and sophistication
she had studied languages
and science and all kinds of spirituality
But now she was intrigued by this waters of life
and stashed there in the long robes and pockets and sleeves of her dress and her cape...
she had the spiritual treasures that she carried with her verse and candles, oil and herbs.
And she too was shocked by the fact that she would
Have to get down on her hands and knees
and actually crawl through the mud
to get to this mysterious water.....
but that is what she wanted.
She carefully took off the fine long dress and the flowing cape..
Hid them in the bushes
and then she too entered the cave
drank the water and washed ...
And when she too left that cave
she knew what she needed to do
as she gathered her fine clothes
she cut off the long sleeves
and the cape and the train and the hood
because it could become clothes for those who had almost nothing to wear.
This spiritual and educated woman
realized that her knowledge and her sense of truth
amounted to nothing..
.if it didn’t also make life better for others.
Spiritual wisdom that didn’t make conditions better for others ..was no good at all
Later on
,that same day
more visitor came to the well.
.a rich man and his wife
They came ..prepared to pay whatever they need to pay
to get these waters of life
and so they came
with their pockets and bags full of coins and jewels
But then
they too
saw that to reach the waters
they would have to leave everything outside.
And so they folded up their clothes and Tried to hide the money and the jewels as best they could.
they too
crawled down into the cave and reached the waters
and they too washed themselves in the water
and they drank this water of life..
they too
crawled back up into the open air
and into the light
but in the light of day
as they felt fresh and new
they realized that their wealth was meant to be shared
at first
they dropped a coin here or there
or donated a jewel or two
but soon they realized that this needed to be done in wiser way ..
and deeper way so they dedicated their whole lives in generosity..to the poor. and the needy
late in the day a bishop came to the waters
he was wearing all the symbols of his the symbols of his ordination and his office
his miter
his cape
his gloves ..all his religious finery
but he too left them outside the cave
as he crawled inside to drink and wash in this water of life
and as he came back to put on his symbols of power and status
he realized that everything it stood for
the authority...
the ritual
had also been used to keep people at a distance or under control
But now he knew
deeply it was meant to protect people
and welcome people
and set them free for worship in the joy of Gods love
And so he tossed it all aside And he went out to meet the people.
well many more, in the days ahead
came to the cave
they left things outside
went in to drink and wash
just to be in the water....
.they would come back into the sunlight
Put their clothes back on
pick up the things
they had left outside
They would think about what they had just done
but they went back to their lives with no change.
Not much change at all.
Even though they thought about what they should do
or could do
and how life would be different
even though they had some new idea ..some hope.
A calling
of how to be truthful and faithful
it wasn’t strong enough to move them
or push them to try
it didn’t convert them
or transform them
So they told themselves
I drank the water of life
and I washed in the water
that was enough
that enough
I’ve been to the water
I have the water.
But they didn’t realize that they were still themselves
just as before
You could say I suppose that they were still dry
They had not received the real gift of the water.
They went back to their lives still
bound ...still
By fear and insecurity and selfishness
the parable says
they didn’t realize the freedom of being children of God
they did not trust and know the power of bending and worshiping God
they didn’t know what it meant
to be marked with the sign of the cross
they didn’t share the power of love and ..
And th e sacred power of Giving themselves for others
still today..
people hear about the water
they come to the water
they bring their children and grandchildren to the water of life
but they do not live in the freedom of the new life...
they simply didn’t remember
I think you can hear the parable
How about us? Personally, and as the church
Have we been to the water?
will you let the let the water truly be
the waters of life splashing over you
every day
new life
ever flowing
essential abundant life
In the gospel lesson this morning
John the Baptist stood at the Jordan river long ago
and said repent
. Be changed ...
. turn your life to God..
this is a baptism of repentance
and in Jesus Christ
we too are called to repent
it is also the water of freedom and love
It the water of being graced.
.it’s letting Jesus Christ live in us,,
and it’s that grace
that love
that gives us
the power to change. And repent
It is the water of a new life..
Will you remember that?
a new creation..not the same old thing...
it is the living flow of discipleship and rebirth
in Jesus Christ..
That’s how to Remember your baptism!
Every day we let the old self
the selfish self
the sinner in us..
We let that die
and be washed away
the stinking thinking
the old attitudes
the prejudices and the pride
the greed and the grudges
old habits
old ways
old control need
the perfectionism
the judgementalism
the meanness
just plain old sin..
In whatever forms it happens in your life
..it also goes to the cross
it dies...
With the one who dies for your sins
that what it means to remember your baptism
and then be raised with Christ
To know the power of his resurrection
It’s new thinking,
new behavior..new vision ,,new spirit grows in your life
remember your baptism
every day the wash of forgiveness is there
the hope is there
the power to break free and start over
its really there
remember it..
the grace is there every day
Jesus is in your life..saving..and redeeming..calling and teaching
remember your baptism
remembering the gospel
remembering Jesus and his love
it can change your life
Because in the name of Jesus Christ
that is who you are/
and we are here
to help each other ..just to remember.
We’re going to renew the baptism covenant as part of the service this morning..
But I want to also make an open invitation
if you have not been baptized
and you would like to be baptized..give me a call this week..we can talk some more
or if you want to
I’m going to invite you to come forward
when we renew the covenant..
. if you would like to have this sacramental watermark on your life ..
Come forward at this time
And you can be baptized..
you got to know that we do not do re-baptism in the United Methodist Church
You just don’t need it. God’s promises stay forever
but we can celebrate it and renew it ..and we can remember it..
And we can be thankful
so how is your memory ?
In the tradition and sacrament of baptism, We are being given a very good memory
turn to page 50 in the hymnal
**In Megan McKenna .p 53 of Matthew, The Book of Mercy
Friday, January 11, 2008
Jan 6 Magi lessons
Jan 6 2008 Magi Lessons
Since this is the first sermon
on the first Sunday of a new year
then lets get to one of the most fundamental and Biblical and spiritual questions of life
One of the great personal questions: that we all have to ask
“who is in control?
Did you do any new years resolutions.. How you doing... how long does that last.?
Well..so much for self control..right.?
deep inside of you...what or who’s in control?
We’re going to do John Wesleys covenant prayer again this morning ,,at the end of the service
Lord ...I am no longer my own
Let me used by you or put aside by you
lifted up for you
or brought low for you
let me be full
let me be empty
let me have all things
or let me have nothing..
I think John Weskey knew how to get right to the poitnt
I looked at the gospel lesson and I Can see it in there.. As
Something about control
do you see it?
what the problem with Herod?
he wants to stay in control
political control
economic control . world ly control
he even uses religion To stay in control
(we ought watch for that o ne in this election year)
he tells the wise men
oh tell me where he is
Im one of you
I want to worship him too..
The more I look at it..
The whole Gospel lesson is a rich..rich story....in lessons
about control
did you notice that the wise men;
the magi are the exact opposite of Herod..? When it comes to control?
the magi are the a symbol of the spiritual journey
What do they do
they look for guidance
searching for salvation
they follow the star
they seek the scriptures.
they worship the Christ
they give up their gifts
gold frankincense and myrrh
and then
what do they do ?
go home..by another way
they are led and everything is changed
by this spiritual process
guess what?..in that journey
they are not in control
again think of the lessons
they have followed the star
they come into the house..
And they see the child.
And they bow down
Bowing down is a surrender of control
isnt that waht worship is?
Its about coming
into the spiritual house of faith
the house of the soul..
The family of faith
in the presence of Christ.
you pay homage
you bow..you surrender yourself
you give your love and loyalty..
You say yes
to the gift of God
and the greatness of God
and you go home then.
.by another way
that means
you go away from Herod.
You go .away from that ego-based world of control
letting God be in control...
that is this other way..
That is the Christian way
when you come to Jesus..
You are going into this new way.... of giving up your control
so on this first Sunday of the new year
I invite you to do some reflection
on that great question
in the action of your life..
In your spiritual life
in your soul
who’s in control?
I suppose a time of silence ..to think about that
and pray about that.. Would be just fine
but to help you do some reflection about being in control
let me tell you a story
but let me coach you a little to understand the story;
remember that Its .about standing before God and letting go of your control.
It’s a story about spiritual reflection
What we do in Bible study, worship ,soul searching.. Service and silence and prayer..
All of that is spending time in reflection ...
And All of that is about about putting yourself .
.offering yourself..just being
in the presence of God
doing what the magi did..
I suppose
Stopping..and bowing..
to the one in control
Now the story uses a mirror
as a symbol or metaphor
for that spiritual reflection..
Mirror..reflection.... got it.?
Intuitive right brain people your gonna get it..
All of us left brain..literal people..we need a little help..
the Mirror means being in true spiritual reflection
here is the story from United Methodist pastor
named David Greibener
and it goes something like this..
Once upon a time there was a rich man
who entertained himself by collecting things.
One day
in an antique store,
he was intrigued to discover what appeared to be a large full length mirror
He couldn't be sure
because all he could see was the frame.
A heavy canvas covered what was most likely a mirror.
A faded piece of paper was pinned to the canvas
with the words:
"Do not remove"
He called for the store owner.
What is this, and why is it covered?
You could tell in his voice that he was used to getting his way!
You wont believe me", said the store clerk
Tell me anyway, the man demanded.
Again, ‘’
he was used to getting his way.
continued the clerk.
There is a mirror under the canvass
the story is
that this mirror will only reflect the part of you that is alive in god.
But I keep it covered
because its bad for business.
Too many people don't see
what they expected to see.
Oh,,the man said..
You let people look if they want to?
Well.. Not usually, but some people just insist
Mostly they are the ones who don't believe me.
But once they take the canvass off and look,
they tend to leave in a hurry without buying anything
as I said,
its bad for business.
still the man wanted to take a look
well. if you insist
The wealthy man thought for a moment.
reassured by the fact that his accountant kept his church pledge up to date,
he pulled back the canvass
and he stood right in front of the mirror.
I don’t see anything!
he shouted,
right away he wondered if the light was bad.
Strange .....
said the clerk
"There's always been something before",
The clerk had been through this thing a time or two.
why don’t you "Look again"
the man looked up and down the mirror.
Sure enough ....something was there.
Way Down in the corner.....near the bottom,
like some lonely radish
there was a big toe.
My toe,
he mumbled...
(my toe) that’s all there is."
Just one little bit of me..
That’s all for now, said the clerk.
You mean it can change?
Well......so I hear..
How much do you want for this mirror
name your price
the mirror was sold and the owner was happy to see it go..
The collector took the mirror back home with him.
And many times a day
he stood in front of the mirror,
but nothing ever changed....The reflection never changed.
All he could see was the big toe of his left foot
he tried everything to change this one annoying fact.
He stood in front of the mirror in a $2000 hand tailored suit.
He stood there ..in the reflection
with all of his banking forms and his stock broker statements.
It just didn’t seem to matter
He stood in front of the mirror
with his award from a service club
for all his help during the last fund raiser.
One day paraded in front of the mirror with a certificate of health
from a well known and highly respected psychotherapist.
Still it didn’t make any difference in the mirror
he went to church every week.....sometimes twice!...
he even saved the worship bulletin to show the mirror.
(But still)...zip...zero.
no response...
.nothing but that single toe.
He didn’t know what to do..
He kept trying things
At last
he gave most of his money away.
(then..as he stood before the mirror..
And finally he thought he saw a little change in the image of his toe,
but as he got his hopes up
he looked closer
and it was really nothing
his toes nail just needed to be clipped
Nothing else was really new in the mirror
he Just was not really very much alive to God... in the view of that mirror
there was nothing left for him to try
he had no more new ideas..
nothing more to offer the mirror.
What else could he do.??
But still
he could not stop looking at it
and thinking about it...day after day
He kept going back to the mirror
What do you have to do..to be alive to God!
then one day In his helplessness
he broke down in front of the mirror
and he cried.
he wept for his weakness
and his emptiness
he wept out of frustration,
and he wept for reasons
that he couldn’t begin to explain.
in the next moment,
he let go of his need to be in control of everything.
He let go of his need to figure out how the mirror worked.
His heart was open.
.just open
He didn’t want to try and figure out the mirror in anymore
he Just wanted to let the mirror be the mirror
and his eyes
were so full of tears
that he did not notice,
dimly at first,
and then with greater and greater definition...
his other toes began to appear
legs, arms,
torso, shoulders, neck,
and head
filling up the mirror.
Finally he was there
reflected in the mirror
And so ends the story
...(well let me help you with the story a bit)
Every day
You and I stand before the Sacred mirror..
the mystery of God..
Every Sunday at least
but really every day..
You and I are called to do that deep refection about our life in this spiritual journey
and even then
as the story said
we still try to measure ourselves..
Or we expect God to see us in certain way
why ?
because even in our religious thinking .we are still used to having it our way..
We keep trying to control what is in the mirror
we keep trying to make our own life
and make our own image
Do you and I dare to wonder
to ask
how much of this morality and religiosity and self justification
how much of our own goodness and piety..and doctrinal believing
how much of that is
really alive?
really true
in the mirror of God.?
Do ever get personal with it.
prayer...devotional reading
Reflection times
get to that question
and reveal the truth
That’s when we get the questions:-----
how much am I open and alive ?
..just to God..
.to the awesomeness
The one authority
the mystery.
The great .grace..of God
As the story says
the only part of us that is really alive to God
is that part of us that is wiling to “let Go..and let God”
as they say in groups like AA
to “let Go and let God.”.
To trust the Higher Power
But its not just Greiebners story and its not just AA
its What Jesus actually said..
Jesus said.. Again..with the spirit of his whole life
he said
to find your life
you must lose your life
deny yourself/
deny your ego..
take up your cross..and follow me..
Thats what this cross is all about
only part of you and me
that is alive to God
is the part of us that is willing to be empty
and to be open
the part of us that is spiritually alive to God
is the part
of our lives that is willing to be led
to search..
To trust
to surrender..
to worship
to bow down
to give up the treasures
to turn around to repent
and go home
in a new way ...... to give up control
The story is clear and the Biblical language is obvious
That magi got it..
And Herod did not..
The magi are filled with joy and they are wise
Herod..is foolish ,frightened and cruel
contrasting pictures of control
Ultimately who is in control?
as we enter a new year
have you looked in a spiritual mirror lately?
Come and be true..before God.
and to just be..
surrender to the mystery .
In the presence of God
in the sheer gift of it all
. stand before the mirror..
Again and again
Spend time in reflection this year
Spend time in prayer...
Open your will..
offer your heart
get out your Bible...
Learn from the magi
study the word
be open to God
follow the light
become the pilgrim
become the servant
enter the house of the lord
let go of your treasures
humble yourself
say yes to this truth
worship this Christ.
Let the Christ-mystery of God
be in control
and By the grace of god.....
the mysterious
..uncontrollable ..wonderful grace of God in Jesus Christ..
..and only then
will your new life
your true life
begin to appear...you will see your true self
going back home...
..by another way.....
a good way to start the year..
Lessons of the magi....... .....a word to the wise.
Since this is the first sermon
on the first Sunday of a new year
then lets get to one of the most fundamental and Biblical and spiritual questions of life
One of the great personal questions: that we all have to ask
“who is in control?
Did you do any new years resolutions.. How you doing... how long does that last.?
Well..so much for self control..right.?
deep inside of you...what or who’s in control?
We’re going to do John Wesleys covenant prayer again this morning ,,at the end of the service
Lord ...I am no longer my own
Let me used by you or put aside by you
lifted up for you
or brought low for you
let me be full
let me be empty
let me have all things
or let me have nothing..
I think John Weskey knew how to get right to the poitnt
I looked at the gospel lesson and I Can see it in there.. As
Something about control
do you see it?
what the problem with Herod?
he wants to stay in control
political control
economic control . world ly control
he even uses religion To stay in control
(we ought watch for that o ne in this election year)
he tells the wise men
oh tell me where he is
Im one of you
I want to worship him too..
The more I look at it..
The whole Gospel lesson is a rich..rich story....in lessons
about control
did you notice that the wise men;
the magi are the exact opposite of Herod..? When it comes to control?
the magi are the a symbol of the spiritual journey
What do they do
they look for guidance
searching for salvation
they follow the star
they seek the scriptures.
they worship the Christ
they give up their gifts
gold frankincense and myrrh
and then
what do they do ?
go home..by another way
they are led and everything is changed
by this spiritual process
guess what?..in that journey
they are not in control
again think of the lessons
they have followed the star
they come into the house..
And they see the child.
And they bow down
Bowing down is a surrender of control
isnt that waht worship is?
Its about coming
into the spiritual house of faith
the house of the soul..
The family of faith
in the presence of Christ.
you pay homage
you bow..you surrender yourself
you give your love and loyalty..
You say yes
to the gift of God
and the greatness of God
and you go home then.
.by another way
that means
you go away from Herod.
You go .away from that ego-based world of control
letting God be in control...
that is this other way..
That is the Christian way
when you come to Jesus..
You are going into this new way.... of giving up your control
so on this first Sunday of the new year
I invite you to do some reflection
on that great question
in the action of your life..
In your spiritual life
in your soul
who’s in control?
I suppose a time of silence ..to think about that
and pray about that.. Would be just fine
but to help you do some reflection about being in control
let me tell you a story
but let me coach you a little to understand the story;
remember that Its .about standing before God and letting go of your control.
It’s a story about spiritual reflection
What we do in Bible study, worship ,soul searching.. Service and silence and prayer..
All of that is spending time in reflection ...
And All of that is about about putting yourself .
.offering yourself..just being
in the presence of God
doing what the magi did..
I suppose
Stopping..and bowing..
to the one in control
Now the story uses a mirror
as a symbol or metaphor
for that spiritual reflection..
Mirror..reflection.... got it.?
Intuitive right brain people your gonna get it..
All of us left brain..literal people..we need a little help..
the Mirror means being in true spiritual reflection
here is the story from United Methodist pastor
named David Greibener
and it goes something like this..
Once upon a time there was a rich man
who entertained himself by collecting things.
One day
in an antique store,
he was intrigued to discover what appeared to be a large full length mirror
He couldn't be sure
because all he could see was the frame.
A heavy canvas covered what was most likely a mirror.
A faded piece of paper was pinned to the canvas
with the words:
"Do not remove"
He called for the store owner.
What is this, and why is it covered?
You could tell in his voice that he was used to getting his way!
You wont believe me", said the store clerk
Tell me anyway, the man demanded.
Again, ‘’
he was used to getting his way.
continued the clerk.
There is a mirror under the canvass
the story is
that this mirror will only reflect the part of you that is alive in god.
But I keep it covered
because its bad for business.
Too many people don't see
what they expected to see.
Oh,,the man said..
You let people look if they want to?
Well.. Not usually, but some people just insist
Mostly they are the ones who don't believe me.
But once they take the canvass off and look,
they tend to leave in a hurry without buying anything
as I said,
its bad for business.
still the man wanted to take a look
well. if you insist
The wealthy man thought for a moment.
reassured by the fact that his accountant kept his church pledge up to date,
he pulled back the canvass
and he stood right in front of the mirror.
I don’t see anything!
he shouted,
right away he wondered if the light was bad.
Strange .....
said the clerk
"There's always been something before",
The clerk had been through this thing a time or two.
why don’t you "Look again"
the man looked up and down the mirror.
Sure enough ....something was there.
Way Down in the corner.....near the bottom,
like some lonely radish
there was a big toe.
My toe,
he mumbled...
(my toe) that’s all there is."
Just one little bit of me..
That’s all for now, said the clerk.
You mean it can change?
Well......so I hear..
How much do you want for this mirror
name your price
the mirror was sold and the owner was happy to see it go..
The collector took the mirror back home with him.
And many times a day
he stood in front of the mirror,
but nothing ever changed....The reflection never changed.
All he could see was the big toe of his left foot
he tried everything to change this one annoying fact.
He stood in front of the mirror in a $2000 hand tailored suit.
He stood there ..in the reflection
with all of his banking forms and his stock broker statements.
It just didn’t seem to matter
He stood in front of the mirror
with his award from a service club
for all his help during the last fund raiser.
One day paraded in front of the mirror with a certificate of health
from a well known and highly respected psychotherapist.
Still it didn’t make any difference in the mirror
he went to church every week.....sometimes twice!...
he even saved the worship bulletin to show the mirror.
(But still)...zip...zero.
no response...
.nothing but that single toe.
He didn’t know what to do..
He kept trying things
At last
he gave most of his money away.
(then..as he stood before the mirror..
And finally he thought he saw a little change in the image of his toe,
but as he got his hopes up
he looked closer
and it was really nothing
his toes nail just needed to be clipped
Nothing else was really new in the mirror
he Just was not really very much alive to God... in the view of that mirror
there was nothing left for him to try
he had no more new ideas..
nothing more to offer the mirror.
What else could he do.??
But still
he could not stop looking at it
and thinking about it...day after day
He kept going back to the mirror
What do you have to do..to be alive to God!
then one day In his helplessness
he broke down in front of the mirror
and he cried.
he wept for his weakness
and his emptiness
he wept out of frustration,
and he wept for reasons
that he couldn’t begin to explain.
in the next moment,
he let go of his need to be in control of everything.
He let go of his need to figure out how the mirror worked.
His heart was open.
.just open
He didn’t want to try and figure out the mirror in anymore
he Just wanted to let the mirror be the mirror
and his eyes
were so full of tears
that he did not notice,
dimly at first,
and then with greater and greater definition...
his other toes began to appear
legs, arms,
torso, shoulders, neck,
and head
filling up the mirror.
Finally he was there
reflected in the mirror
And so ends the story
...(well let me help you with the story a bit)
Every day
You and I stand before the Sacred mirror..
the mystery of God..
Every Sunday at least
but really every day..
You and I are called to do that deep refection about our life in this spiritual journey
and even then
as the story said
we still try to measure ourselves..
Or we expect God to see us in certain way
why ?
because even in our religious thinking .we are still used to having it our way..
We keep trying to control what is in the mirror
we keep trying to make our own life
and make our own image
Do you and I dare to wonder
to ask
how much of this morality and religiosity and self justification
how much of our own goodness and piety..and doctrinal believing
how much of that is
really alive?
really true
in the mirror of God.?
Do ever get personal with it.
prayer...devotional reading
Reflection times
get to that question
and reveal the truth
That’s when we get the questions:-----
how much am I open and alive ?
..just to God..
.to the awesomeness
The one authority
the mystery.
The great .grace..of God
As the story says
the only part of us that is really alive to God
is that part of us that is wiling to “let Go..and let God”
as they say in groups like AA
to “let Go and let God.”.
To trust the Higher Power
But its not just Greiebners story and its not just AA
its What Jesus actually said..
Jesus said.. Again..with the spirit of his whole life
he said
to find your life
you must lose your life
deny yourself/
deny your ego..
take up your cross..and follow me..
Thats what this cross is all about
only part of you and me
that is alive to God
is the part of us that is willing to be empty
and to be open
the part of us that is spiritually alive to God
is the part
of our lives that is willing to be led
to search..
To trust
to surrender..
to worship
to bow down
to give up the treasures
to turn around to repent
and go home
in a new way ...... to give up control
The story is clear and the Biblical language is obvious
That magi got it..
And Herod did not..
The magi are filled with joy and they are wise
Herod..is foolish ,frightened and cruel
contrasting pictures of control
Ultimately who is in control?
as we enter a new year
have you looked in a spiritual mirror lately?
Come and be true..before God.
and to just be..
surrender to the mystery .
In the presence of God
in the sheer gift of it all
. stand before the mirror..
Again and again
Spend time in reflection this year
Spend time in prayer...
Open your will..
offer your heart
get out your Bible...
Learn from the magi
study the word
be open to God
follow the light
become the pilgrim
become the servant
enter the house of the lord
let go of your treasures
humble yourself
say yes to this truth
worship this Christ.
Let the Christ-mystery of God
be in control
and By the grace of god.....
the mysterious
..uncontrollable ..wonderful grace of God in Jesus Christ..
..and only then
will your new life
your true life
begin to appear...you will see your true self
going back home...
..by another way.....
a good way to start the year..
Lessons of the magi....... .....a word to the wise.
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